
Digvijai Nath P.G Colleges Gorakhpur Provides the Gym Facility for all Students. “A Healthy mind resides in a Healthy Body “, complying with the saying, a professionally managed environment is created for the students. Both Physical and Mental Health play an important role for the well being of an Individual. In tune with the objective of all round development of the students, the campus is equipped with an in-house gymnasium.
It contains world lass equipments like treadmills and strength machines for exercise and work out. In short, the gym provides an ideal atmosphere for the students as well as faculty to provide overall & sound development.Physical activity is good for your mental health. Experts believe that exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.
Yoga Center:
A yoga centre established in east campus of the college by the department of Physical Education. These centers help and enrich the student with enthusiasm and spiritual feeling. The student’s performance is improved with positive attitude.Every academic year lots of seminar and workshop organized by the department of physical education for the students and the faculty of college.